Tuesday 10 September 2024

Python: Reserved Words, Dynamic Types, Naming Conventions, Character Set, Comments, Identifiers, Data Types, Operators.

Python Basics: {Ref: GeeksforGeeks}

data structures and algorithms Web Developer

Thursday 5 September 2024

Step by Step steps of 1. Python Installation, 2. Add Python to windows Path, 3. Executing Python from the Command Line.


1. Python Installation:

2. Add Python to windows to windows path, set environment variable.

3. Executing python program from the command line.

data structures and algorithms Web Developer

What is Python? History and Versions of Python.

Python as a Programming Language:

data structures and algorithms Web Developer

Monday 2 September 2024

Introduction to Programming Language: From Turing Machine to Modern era programming Language

Introduction to Programming Language: From Turing Machine to today's Programming Language

data structures and algorithms Web Developer