Showing posts with label DeepLearning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DeepLearning. Show all posts

Monday 4 March 2024

Implement Boston housing price prediction problem by Linear regression using Deep Neural network

Problem Statement:

 Linear regression by using Deep Neural network: Implement Boston housing price prediction problem by Linear regression using Deep Neural network. Use the Boston House price prediction dataset. 

1. Open
2. click on the new notebook.
3. Import all the libraries
4. Read the dataset from the path

5. Do all basic operations on dataset.

6. Exploratory Data Analysis:

7. Training a Linear Regression Model

8. Train Test Split:

9. Creating and Training the Model:

10. Predictions from our Model:

11. Model Evaluation:

Sunday 25 February 2024


 coming soon....

Loss Function

 Coming soon ...

Activation Function

 coming soon...

What is a Perceptron?



Explain in detail the Biological Neuron.

Explain Perceptron in detail.

Friday 23 February 2024

Applications of Deep Learning

 Q. Explain common architectural principles of deep networks.

 Q. List the Application of Deep Learning.

Working-Application of DL

Q. What is the Learning representation of Data? or Feature learning or Representation Learning?

Q. How does deep learning work in three figures explain with an example.

Wednesday 14 February 2024

What is Deep Learning ?

Write a short note on the History of Deep Learning.

Define Deep Learning. Explain it's Pros and cons.

Friday 2 February 2024

What is Machine Learning?

 What is Machine Learning?

 Why should we learn Machine Learning?

How does Machine Learning Work?

Explain types of Machine Learning?

Difference between supervised-unsupervised

What is Bias?

What is Variance?

What is underfitting?

What is Overfitting?

What is  Best fitting or idle Scenario?

What are Parameters?

What are Hyperparameters?

Write short note on: Full Training Pipeline.

Write short note on: under/over fitting Regularization.

Explain various Limitation of Machine Learning