Thursday 1 August 2024

How does SHA256 algorithm works?

 How does SHA256 algorithm works?

A Step by step detailed explanation of SHA-256 algorithm with example.

Step 1: Pre Processing:

Exercise for you:
How many bits you will pad for input message length of 2348 bits?

Step 2: Initialize Hash Values (a, b, c, d, e, f)

Step 3: Initialize round constants K. (K0.. K63)

Step 4: Chunk Loop (0 .. 63)

Step 5: Create message schedule(W):
Step 6: Compression

Step 7: Modify final values

Step 8: Concatenate final hash

Tuesday 30 July 2024

Why there is a need of decentralized digital currency ?

Why there is a need of decentralized digital currency?

In a decentralized market, how can individual prove their transactions?

What is Cryptographic Hash Function? Why do we require cryptographic hash function?

 What is Cryptographic Hash Function?

 Why do we require cryptographic hash function?

Explain elliptic curve cryptography algorithm in detail with example step by step ?

Elliptic Curve Cryptography Algorithm : in detail with example step by step explanation is as follows.


Step 1: Start.
Step 2: Encode a plain text message as a point on the curve.
Step 3: Compute/Establish the Public Key and Private Key.
Step 4: Encrypt the message using public key.
Step 5: Decrypt cipher text using the private key.
Step 6: Stop.

Monday 29 July 2024

What is Elliptic Curve Cryptography? Part 1 Basics Knowledge required about Elliptic Curve in detail with 10 Questions

What is Elliptic Curve Cryptography? 

Part 1: Basics Knowledge required about Elliptic Curve in detail with 10 questions.

Before studying the Elliptic Curve Cryptography We must have knowledge of following Basic Things:
Those are as follows:

1. What is an Elliptic Curve?

2. What Kind of x and y values are going to be used to form Elliptic Curve?

3. Which type of curve is going to be used in Elliptic Curve Cryptography?

4. What is finite field?

5. How to construct Elliptic Curve over a Finite Field Z/11?

6. What are the Characteristics of Elliptic Curve?

7. How to Compute addition of Two different points P and Q on elliptic curve i:e P + Q = R ?

7. How to Compute addition of same points P with P on elliptic curve i:e P+P = 2P ?

Sunday 28 July 2024

What is Asymmetric Key Cryptography and also explain the detailed working of Asymmetric Key Cryptography?

 What is Asymmetric Key Cryptography and also explain the detailed working of Asymmetric Key Cryptography?

After reading the above notes you are able to answer the following questions?

1. What is Asymmetric key in cryptography?

2. What is the difference between Symmetric Key and Asymmetric Key Cryptography?

3. Explain in detail the working of Asymmetric Key Cryptography?

4. How to encrypt and decrypt the message using Public Key Cryptography?

5. How many asymmetric keys will be required if four devices are connected with each other in network?