Thursday 28 May 2020

Begginers Python Basics: From installation to Programming...

Installation of Python:

Just follow the following things to install python on your computer right.

Step 1: Just go to the browser and type:

Step 2: Click on download python 3.8.3 or any 3.x.x version you want

Step 3: Go to the download folder and double click on python file to install and follow the steps.

Step 4: Python 3 is installed on your computer. next step is we need to choose a text editor.

Step 5: To get the Text editor (Python IDE for developers) go to  the 

Step 6: There are two download versions professional and Community. just click on community version.

Step 7: Go to the download folder and double click on PyCharm file to install and follow the steps.

Step 8: This text editor help us while developing a code, it guide us the errors and all alright.

Step 9: Now python 3 and pycharm text editor both installed on computer and now we are ready to set up & Hello world Program.

How to create a First Python Program...

Step 1: First you have to open up the pycharm text editor.

Step 2: Just click on Create a New Project.

Step 3: In Location text box you have to specify the program name like FirstProg. [C:\Users\Admin\PycharmProjects\FirstProg]

Step 4: In Existing Interpreter you will see the our installed python3.8.3 interpreter is there. after that just click on Create button.

Step 5: Go to the FirstProg folder in right side right click on it and say New File ---> and select Python file.

Step 6: Give file name app so it will save the file in format

Step 7: Start writing your first python program i:e Hello world using pycharmIDE.

Step 8: To run this program just click on Run option click on Run it will ask which file choose your file here the file is app so click on it and after that down below on python console you will see the output.

Step 9: That's all in this way you have to write your python code using PyCharm IDE.

Note: Still doing all of this if anyone is facing problem in installation of both Python and PyCharm they have to use this link for python coding but remember internet connection is must for this. i mean to say you have to use online Python Compiler(Interpreter) so without wasting a time just click on the link:

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