Sunday 7 June 2020

210247: Data Structures Laboratory Group A: Assignment No:02 SE Students FDS Subject Marks Computaion using pyhton List.

Problem Statement:

Write a Python program to store marks scored in subject “Fundamental of Data Structure” by N students in the class. Write functions to compute following:

a) The average score of class.

b) Highest score and lowest score of class.

c) Count of students who were absent for the test.

d) Display mark with highest frequency.



Analysis of a Problem Statement: 

1. Given :

  Marks scored in subject Fundamental of Data Structure” by N Students.

2. Entity: 

  Here in the Problem statement Entity is subject FDS and attribute of entity is Marks

3. Input:

 Here we have to accept subject FDS marks of N Students as a input from user. 

4. Data Structure:

To store/organize the marks in memory we required LIST as a data structure. 

5. Output: 

5.1 The average score of class
5.2 Highest Score and Lowest Score of a Class.
5.3 Count of a student who were absent for the Test.
5.4 Display marks with highest frequency.

Design of Algorithm:

5.1 To find out the average score of a class.

5.2 To find out Highest Score and Lowest Score of a class.


 5.3 To find out count of a student who were absent for the Test.



data structures and algorithms Web Developer

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